SognoAmericano: the Italian e-commerce of bikers
If you love the world of bikers and are passionate about patches, Sogno Americano is the online shop for you!
Sogno Americano produces patches of various kinds (including bikers, American police, fire-department, SWAT, sports and many others ), with particular attention to motoring ones, and is an e-commerce specialized in the production of custom patches with your own name , nick or chapter .
Despite the low prices, the quality remains of the best . The patches are in fact manufactured on three layers with chenille technological fabric , and for this reason they are high quality items, resistant to bad weather and wear over time. And it is thanks to the attention to these details that Sognoamericano signed products have been appreciated all over the world for years

Qualità senza pari
Nonostante i prezzi contenuti, la qualità resta delle migliori.Le toppe sono infatti fabbricate su tre strati con tessuto tecnologico in ciniglia, e per questo sono articoli di alta qualità, resistenti alle intemperie e all’usura del tempo. Ed è grazie alla cura di questi dettagli che i prodotti firmati Sognoamericano vengono apprezzati in tutto il mondo, da anni

For info on custom or classic patches in large quantities, contact me...

The patches on the jacket are a common feature of custom motorcycling...